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70 % KA100-63 Måleledning SK 7660/7602

KA100-63 Måleledning SK 7660/7602

EAN 5706445120161

EL.NR 8023834

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435,00 NOK

129,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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41 % SK 7602 Mini strømtang AC

Et lite og hendig tangampermeter fra Kaise, som ligger veldig godt i hånden og kan betjenes med en hånd. Den ene målepinnen kan festes til tangen – som gjør det enklere å måle. Selve dreievelgeren er gummiert. Dette gjør den lett å dreie, selv med hansker.

Tangen har Auto av, maks / min måling, peackmåling, datahold, varsel ved lav batterispenning og kontinuitetsmåling med summer. Tilfredsstiller IEC 611010-1 KAT III 300V. Leveres med måleledninger og brukerveiledning.

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SK 7602 Mini strømtang AC

EAN 7090009210770

EL.NR 8023395

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1 690,00 NOK

995,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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56 % Elma 2500 HandyAMP

Lagersalg - kun gyldig så lenge lageret rekker!

HandyAmp er en praktisk strømtang som med sin smarte åpne tang kan måle strøm helt opp til 200 A AC bare ved å føre den åpne tangen inn over kabelen.

Instrumentet måler: strøm, spenning, motstand, gjennomgang og diodetest. HandyAmp har 3 3/4 siffer i displayet, automatisk områdevalg, data hold og auto av. Med ”Volt sense” funksjonen kan du detektere spenning på kabel - berøringsfritt.

HandyAmp tilfredsstiller IEC 61010-1 KAT III 1000V og KAT IV 600V. Leveres komplett med måleledninger, batteri, veske og brukerveiledning.

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Elma 2500 HandyAMP

EAN 5706445630059

EL.NR 8024071

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1 806,00 NOK

777,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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40 % SL200 Solarimeter

SL 200 bærbart solarimeter - øyeblikkelig effekt (1 til 1400 W/m2), energi eksponering (opptil 500 KWh/m2) med 31 dagers minne (44 640 punkter). IP40 ABS-hus, grafisk display. Leveres med IP66 ekstern solcelle, 1,25m kabel, programvare + grensesnitt, transportkoffert og kalibreringssertifikat.

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SL200 Solarimeter

EAN 5706445794829

På sentrallager Lav lagerbeholdning Snart på sentrallager

20 069,00 NOK

12 000,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Ofil DayCor Ranger HD Corona kamera

Vehicle Mounted Inspection System.

Inspection is semiautomatic, letting operators the option to configure preset shooting positions and profiles and control recording. DayCor® Ranger HD is remotely controlled by the operator who sits inside the vehicle.  The detecting unit is mounted either on the vehicle roof or elsewhere, depending on the desired viewing angle. Throughout its operation the system streams out high-resolution video that is displayed on a remote monitor in the car and records video clips of corona findings.

Ofil offers 2 models of Ranger: Ranger UV which provides for corona detection, and Ranger MS which provides for corona detection and other technologies, based on customers’ request. Additionally, Ofil offer customization and tailoring the system to specific requirements.


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Ofil DayCor Ranger HD Corona kamera

EAN 1033911

RING FOR PRIS +47 22 10 42 70

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Ofil DayCor Rom HD Corona kamera

HD Aerial Inspection System

DayCor® ROM HD is a premium choice for aerial inspections to remotely detect faulty electrical & mechanical installations. The collected data includes imaging and detailed radiometric readings of multiple detection technologies encompassing multifaceted maintenance aspects.

DayCor® ROM HD is a powerful high-speed inspection solution for aircrafts, equipped with combinations of outstandingly highly sensitive, high definition (HD) sensors in a gyro stabilized payload platform.  ROM meets the need for stability, accuracy, functionality, convenience and qualitative data collection. The default solution has 5 sensors, including an exclusive bi-Spectral UV-HD camera with optical zoom, a photo camera with extended megapixels and zoom lens, remote 3rd generation Geo recorder, provides high-resolution color video and infrared imaging, Laser range finders etc., It is easily installed/removed to meet the aircraft’s multi-mission demands.

Ofil offers its customer the option to select their preferred sensors and incorporate them in the payload. The gimballed payload is designed by the RTCA DO 160G environmental standard. ROM can be used for fire detection and with some adjustments for oil spill mapping.

For over a decade, Ofil designs and manufactures modules of airborne systems for electrical utilities, environmental organizations and fire fighters, worldwide.


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Ofil DayCor Rom HD Corona kamera

EAN 1033912

RING FOR PRIS +47 22 10 42 70

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Tramex App - gratis

Gratis visualisering og dokumentasjons App for Tramex fuktmåleinstrumenter. Direkte visning på instrumentets display og alle verdier. Du kan også velge å se psykrometrisk diagram med bl.a. duggpunkt, entalpi, vanninnhold, temperatur, densitet og våt-/tørr temperatur. 

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Tramex App - gratis

EAN 1068189

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0,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Fylles med Glyserin

Glyserinfylling av analoge manometre for stabilisering av visere og trykk kompensering. Brukes etter behov. Må bestilles sammen med manometer for fylling i Elma Instruments servicesenter før utsendelse.

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Fylles med Glyserin

EAN 101594

EL.NR 101594

RING FOR PRIS +47 22 10 42 70

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FLIR A400 Thermal Image Streaming Cameras offer the monitoring capabilities needed to accurately detect and identify thermal issues across manufacturing and industrial processes. With multiple field-of-view choices, multi-streaming capabilities, motorized focus control, and optional compressed radiometric streaming over Wi-Fi, these fixed-mount camera solutions can tackle the most complex remote monitoring objectives. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

The FLIR A400 Thermal Smart Sensor Camera has the features automation solution providers need for complex monitoring applications, including elevated skin temperature screening when used as an adjunct to other body temperature screening tools, critical infrastructure, product quality, and early fire detection. The Smart Sensor configuration includes multiple measurement tools and alarms while also providing computing-on-the-edge, with analytics performed at the camera level for immediate results. With a range of lens choices, motorized focus control, and unrivaled connectivity, A400/A700 cameras offer unmatched power and flexibility. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

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EAN 108815

RING FOR PRIS +47 22 10 42 70

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FLIR A700 Thermal Image Streaming Cameras offer the monitoring capabilities needed to accurately detect and identify thermal issues across manufacturing and industrial processes. With multiple field-of-view choices, multi-streaming capabilities, motorized focus control, and optional compressed radiometric streaming over Wi-Fi, these fixed-mount camera solutions can tackle the most complex remote monitoring objectives. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

The FLIR 700 Thermal Smart Sensor Camera has the features automation solution providers need for complex monitoring applications, including elevated skin temperature screening when used as an adjunct to other body temperature screening tools, critical infrastructure, product quality, and early fire detection. The Smart Sensor configuration includes multiple measurement tools and alarms while also providing computing-on-the-edge, with analytics performed at the camera level for immediate results. With a range of lens choices, motorized focus control, and unrivaled connectivity, A400/A700 cameras offer unmatched power and flexibility. Easy configuration allows you to tailor this monitoring system to your company’s quality, productivity, maintenance, and safety needs.

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EAN 108816

RING FOR PRIS +47 22 10 42 70

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Kanalpropp, 10mm

EAN 5706445610174

EL.NR 8023990

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15,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Batteri - 1,5V, LR06

EAN 5706445110032

EL.NR 8023874

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21,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang nylon ø4-6 x ø4-6

Slangeovergang nylon ø4-6 x ø4-6

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Slangeovergang nylon ø4-6 x ø4-6

EAN 5703317471208

EL.NR 8022802

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25,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang ø4-6 x ø7-11

Slangeovergang nylon ø4-6 x ø7-11

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Slangeovergang ø4-6 x ø7-11

EAN 5703317471215

EL.NR 8022803

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25,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang ø4-6 x ø10-15

Slangeovergang ø4-6 x ø10-15

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Slangeovergang ø4-6 x ø10-15

EAN 5703317471222

EL.NR 8022804

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25,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Batteri - 1,5V, LR03

EAN 5706445110025

EL.NR 8023882

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26,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Afstandsstykke Sort - 3282

Avstandsring til 326x bøssingene. Ringen gjør at bøssingen fyller 11mm mindre på baksiden.

Den grønne bøsning følger ikke med.

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Afstandsstykke Sort - 3282

EAN 5703317461322

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27,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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PA-slange ø4 x 6 mm

Praktisk kvalitetstilbehør til mange test- og måleoppgaver. 

Nominelt trykk: 27 Atm@20°C.

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PA-slange ø4 x 6 mm

EAN 5703317471161

EL.NR 8022801

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30,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø7-11

Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø7-11

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Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø7-11

EAN 5703317471239

EL.NR 8022805

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30,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang ø10-15 x ø10-15

Slangeovergang ø10-15 x ø10-15

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Slangeovergang ø10-15 x ø10-15

EAN 5703317471253

EL.NR 8022807

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30,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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PVC slange ø4 x 6 mm

PVC slange ø4 x 6 mm, egnet til tetthetstest.


Praktisk kvalitetstilbehør for mange test- og måleopgaver. Andre typer og dimensioner kan leveres på forespørgsel.

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PVC slange ø4 x 6 mm

EAN 5703317472458

EL.NR 8022800

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30,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Batteri - 1,5V, LR44, V13GA

EAN 5703317401014

EL.NR 8023880

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31,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø10-15

Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø10-15

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Slangeovergang ø7-11 x ø10-15

EAN 5703317471246

EL.NR 8022806

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35,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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Slangeovergang Y ø6 x ø6 x ø6

Slangeovergang Y, for ø6 x ø6 x ø6

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Slangeovergang Y ø6 x ø6 x ø6

EAN 5703317471291

EL.NR 8022808

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40,00 NOK Ekskl. mva

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